Terms & Conditions

The following terms and conditions apply when doing business with Vet24:

Payment Terms

The practice does not offer an account facility, with all fees being due at the time of treatment. We accept card and cash payments, but not cheques of any type. Products that have not been paid for may only be released at the discretion of the Head Vet for medical reasons.

Direct Insurance Claims

At the discretion of the Practice a claim direct to your insurer may be offered. This facility is only available for fees over £1000, of which a £500 deposit is required at the point of treatment. The facility does not extend to ongoing medication or treatment. For clients with Village Vet Totalcare insurance a direct claims facility is available following payment of any excess fee due.


We will provide you with an itemised estimate of the anticipated costs of treatment for your pet, and will always endeavour to contact you if this estimate is likely to be exceeded. However, there may be circumstances when immediate treatment is required and as such we cannot guarantee the estimate will be the total final cost.

Policy on Prescriptions

You may obtain Prescription Only Medicines, Category V (POM-V) from your veterinary surgeon OR ask for a prescription and obtain these medicines from another veterinary surgeon or a pharmacy. Prescriptions are available from the Practice, however, your veterinary surgeon may only prescribe these medicines for animals under their care. A prescription may not be appropriate if your animal is an in-patient or immediate treatment is necessary.

The general policy of the practice is to reassess an animal requiring repeat prescriptions every six months, but this will vary with individual circumstances. A standard charge will be made for writing a prescription and detail of this fee and the standard re-examination charge is displayed in practice.

You will be informed, on request, the price of any medication that may be dispensed for your animal, and further information on the prices of medicines is available from your veterinary surgeon. In addition, the current prices for the ten POM-Vs most commonly prescribed or supplied, in a typical three month period, are displayed in practice and can be supplied to you on request.


As a Practice we are aware of the environmental demands of modern day life and as such have instigated a number of ‘Green Initiatives’, including reducing the amount of paper we use. As such we are happy to communicate with you through other technologies including mobile phone text and email, please leave your details with reception.

Customer Feedback

We look forward to working with you to keep your pet healthy and happy but, if at any time you have concerns or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact your local Vet24 Practice. We actively welcome your feedback and can assure you that any issues raised will be appropriately addressed.

Formal Complaints

In the unfortunate event that you wish to raise a formal complaint with Village Vet we request that a formal letter setting out the grounds of the complaint are sent to the following address: Vet24 Complaints Department, 11 Belsize Terrace, London, NW3 4AX.

Upon receipt of your letter one of our team will investigate the details of your particular case and respond accordingly to you. Although we always endeavour to respond to a complaint within 7 working days of receipt sometimes this is not possible. In such an instance a member of the team will contact you to update you on the progress of your complaint.